You all know about 1942 Love Story do you want to know about 1991 Love Story
Here it is Mr Joseph Anthony's 1991 Love Story
Mr Joseph Anthony's Cycling Story :
My childhood and adulthood experiences on cycle.
During my school time when I was in primary school, in summer vacation of 2 months ie April and May I worked in cycle Shop where hiring of cycles and repairs taken place near my residence for a very meagre amount.
In my childhood I was riding cycle by taking on hourly basis hiring, once along with few friends hired single gear cycle for Rs30/- a day and pedaled nearby Hubli for Fun. When I was 11 yrs old while riding hired cycle lost control hit a man from behind.
During Dusshera festival pedalled to fields to fetch sugarcane sticks for Pooja along with school friends. I was 13yrs old when my father passed away, I hired a cycle and pedalled to convey death message of my father to my relatives and friends since there was no phone facilities.
When I was in 10th std I went to school doubles on friends cycle. College time I bought second hand sports cycle for Rs600/- which did not last for long sold to a friend and bought a new cycle called BSA SLR TI company in green colour. When I was PUC II Nehru College 1985 annual sports was conducted in Nehru ground, I only went to witness sports where I was forced to participate in fast cycling 10000 mtrs (10 kms) some of them had road bike with single gear, surprisingly I got first place 3 rounds leading to all the cyclist which is mentiond in the certificate. The certificate was given in annual gathering chief guest was Syed Kirmani wicket keeper who had just won World Cup. I was appointed in Railways after I finished my PUC II in the year 1986, I continued pedaling to work till 1991. I have also peddaled doubles with my girlfriend/colleague who is now my wife. Cycling was my regular transport which is now become a passion and a regular workout credit goes to HBC.
I am proud to be a part of Hubballi Bicycle Club and actively riding.
Jai Karnataka.